Saturday 11 July 2009


I moved into a new apartment and I have my laptop but not my desktop so now sims for a week or two. But as soon as I get it set up Updates will be coming back! <3 BENZI

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    Nice legacy blog here! I was just wondering if you were interested in maybe joining up with my site and you could have a whole section of my Sims 3 news blog to yourself. What I want to do is find some fun, enthusiastic people who want to share their Sims 3 legacies all in one place, and have all their updates on my site. Oh yeh, it's and I don't want to spam, so you can delete this comment after you have read it and contacted me if you want.

    This is definitely not going to be a mass legacy website where people can make their own part of the site, this is just going to be a few select people whom I really think would be great and want this more than others.

    So yeh, what I would be doing is creating you a user on my site, (which is powered by wordpress, so if you have any problems with it, I can always help), where you could post your legacy updates. There would be a separate category for you and you can also share your Sims 3 fun! Just so you know, this is not some money making plan of mine, up till now, the site is completely non-profit, just a friendly fan site but even if I do ever decide to maybe have some ads to help pay for the hosting fees, you will be sure to get a share for your posting. I really hope you read this comment and not just delete it as spam lol as only a few people will be offered this opportunity.

    If you want to get hold of me, please email me at blazingzach [at] googlemail [dot] com or just go to the contact page on my site.

    Many Thanks,
